Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why did my toenail drop off?

I was cutting my toenails the other day and one of them fell off. There was pain involved but it fell of relatively quickly.Why did my toenail drop off?
Do you recall stubbing the toe many months ago? It could take that long for the injury to result in the nail coming loose.

If the nail was very thick, it could have been the result of a fungal infection. If so, take care to observe the remaining nails for change in appearance and thickness, then see a podiatrist for proper treatment.Why did my toenail drop off?
you have a fungal nail infection!!

UHHH Gross!!!

Go to a pharmacist
from dropping somethng on it or banged it on some thing.

Nail will grow back it happed to me twice.
you probably stubbed it against something hard..
Was the toe blue?
I have the same problem too. This is a sign of not enough calcium.

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