Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is There a Treament for fungus toenails besides having the nails surgically removed?

It seems all the topical stuff I tried just don't seem to work.Is There a Treament for fungus toenails besides having the nails surgically removed?
pure tea tree oil is reported to be very effective on fungus infections.

2-4 times a day coat your toenail and surrounding skin with it.

Dont double dip the applicator or you'll put the fungus into the jar of oil.

Depending on where you live you may be able to get the oil from the supermarket, otherwise try the chemist. Is There a Treament for fungus toenails besides having the nails surgically removed?
Not going barefoot may be adding to the problem. Fungus loves warmth, moisture and darkness - all provided in closed in shoes.Wear cotton socks so your feet can breathe a little and choose shoes that aren't tight around the toes.Much better to have your toes open to the air though. Treat your shoes!

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neither topical treatment nor yanking your nails out will help. the fungus (yeast) is in your intestines and is fed by sugar and carbohydrates and alcohol. your doctor can prescribe pills that kill the fungus. these pills are also very hard on the liver. you will always have to be careful with sugar, carbs, alcohol if you get rid of the fungus. another alternative is to go to a naturepath who will prescribe a yeast killing diet and natural supplements. modern medicine does not recognize yeast over growths.
If it is that bad, I recommend you go to a skin doctor.

There is a prescription drug, the name is ORIFUNGAL, from an European pharma/co. You drink it, and in time (some months depending on how bad your infection is), fungus in your body dissapear.

American doctors don't prescribe european drugs very aften, who knows why. Ask your doctor if it would work for you. Maybe he/she will recommend something different or equivalent.

There is an infection callled ';jungle rot'; that is very hard to heal.

Your best choice, ask your doctor. If he tells you there is not cure, try to get that drug from abroad and try it. It is better to try it than ';no cure';.
Yes there is treatment other than removal. See a podiatrist and he will give you oral antibiotics and an ointment. If they are not green - get tended to as quickly as possible. Good luck.
I believe the nails have to be surgically removed, otherwise no.
  • colon cleansing
  • 1 comment:

    TaurenChieftain said...

    "Is There a Treament for fungus toenails besides having the nails surgically removed?"
    -yup there is.. you can try zeta clear its really effective you won't regret using it..

    how do you get rid of yellow toenails

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