Sunday, August 1, 2010

How do you cover up a fungus toenail?

You don't!

It needs to breathe!

Get treatment for it and make it better for yourself.How do you cover up a fungus toenail?
You don't!!

My daughter has issues with toenail fungus.

don't cover with nail polish or anything with synthetic fabrics. Use only cotton socks.. and when possible go barefoot!!

Make sure when you get your toesies wet that you dry them completely.

Best of all... go see the Dr. they have some great meds to take care of the problem.How do you cover up a fungus toenail?鈥?/a>
you can find nails at walmart
with something ideally not see through.

Just get really drunk and pull the toenail off with plyers. It may grow back, if it does, rip it off again. It should take no more than 3 times and your toenail will never grow back again. Who needs it anyways? Feels good having no toenails (better than ugly ones, eh?)
You shouldn't cover it up (things like nail polish can make the fungus worse because they like dark areas) should treat it. There are several over the counter medications that you ';paint'; on the effected toenail(s). It does take some time for the fungus to go away this way, but it's inexpensive and works well. Another option would be to go to your doctor. There is a pill you can take that kills the nail fungus from the inside.

1 comment:

TaurenChieftain said...

why cover your fungus toenail? when you can easily cure it.. all you need is zeta clear..
how do you get rid of yellow toenails

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